Sunday, September 25, 2011


I haven't had much time to write, read, reflect, etc. over the last month or so. My life has been pretty much dominated by work, whether that be in the form of designing things, photography gigs, challenge course shifts, school, or any other random duties I somehow find myself committed to.

It's been a blessing though staying busy — not having to worry about finding reliable work — as it seems is the current trend among many others my age. It has been overwhelming and left me exhausted though, not going to lie. It's funny — I never realized growing up why my dad would come home from a full day in the office at Disney or on a project site and just want lay on the couch, eat dinner, watch tv, and then go bed. I now understand completely.

I don't mean to complain though because I truly am thankful God's given me so many outlets to do the large variety of things that I love to do, use the gifts He has given, and be able to make a living off of them. It's really wonderful, and I feel sorry for those that never get to make professions out of their passions or put the effort in to pursue their dreams.

Anyways, I thought I'd share just a glimpse of the projects I've been designing over the last month. It's just a small preview (probably 50%) of the different things I've been working on. Most of these have 4 or 5 pieces that go along with their marketing package, but you can get a general idea I think.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Cosmic Number

A slight deviation from the typical in-depth thought-provoking material I often blog about: a riddle of sorts, a numbers game. I happened upon this logic puzzle on StumbleUpon tonight, which was a comical occurrence since I just offered this game several hours ago to some friends while waiting for a meal to be served at a local eatery.

The game is the cosmic number, and the number is 4. No, not 42 as Hitchhiker's would recommend, but 4. Now I know one could simply cheat and Google the answer, but what would be the fun in that?

The goal is to solve the problem of why it is 4, and for you to figure that out I will give 5 sequences of numbers.

100 is 10. 10 is 3. 3 is 5. 5 is 4. 4 is the cosmic number.

12 is 6. 6 is 3. 3 is 5. 5 is 4. 4 is the cosmic number.

11 however is also 6. 6 is 3. 3 is 5. 5 is 4. 4 is the cosmic number.

17 is 9. 9 is 4. 4 is the cosmic number.

And finally, 19 is 8. 8 is 5. 5 is 4. 4 is the cosmic number.

It appears to be easier when written out like this instead of spoken. It's more things to try and remember anyway. I remember the first time someone riddled this me it took forever to figure out, so best of luck to you! Message me if you think you've figured it out, but don't comment so as not to spoil it for the other 51ish people that stat-counter informs me read these entries.
