Saturday, February 25, 2012

About Me... Kind of

Well it's been quite awhile since my last post...

Many things have happened over the last couple months. Big things. Little things. Inspiring things. Disappointing things. Exciting things. etc....

For readers who don't know me, this will serve as some sort of about me explanation. I have to write one for my personal website I'm developing currently, so this will serve as a brief duel-purpose bio.

My name is Evan Travelstead, and I'm finishing up my final term for my BFA in Graphic Design at UCF. A long road it has been, but the past five years have been the most amazing of my life thus far. So many adventures, so many highlights... maybe, I'll write a book one day on all these exciting happenings. Anyways, back to now. I just started as a designer/production artist for Ligonier Ministries, an organization dedicated to educating in the study of Reformed theology. This is exciting because I've accepted an offer to continue with them full-time, post graduation. My first 'real job' you could say. This is something that I just kind of fell into. I didn't even apply. They sought me out for this... never would have expected that.

I'm learning more and more God has a timing for everything. This new job seems to have absolutely perfect timing, but I guess that's just how God works. Although I'd really like to speed this timing up for other areas in life, I just ask everyday for patience and contentment.

Anyways, that was just a tangent on this about me thing. I also work as freelance designer under my unofficial company name, Aerostudio. I've been doing this for about 4 years now, have handled probably 60 clients by now, and hope to continue this on the side. I also work on the weekends as a youth sports photographer for Bishop Photo's Florida Team. Oh yeah, and I also work as team building instructor/manager for Outdoor Adventure's Challenge Course at UCF. This has been an incredible job, and I have logged nearly 400 hours of instructing leadership and team-building development courses for them over the past 3 years. It seems I work all over the place... kind of a workaholic actually... trying to change this though.

Next category would be hobbies I suppose, or interests. I'm pretty much into most everything. I know everybody says that, but it's true... aside from dancing (it's gonna take that perfect girl in the future to get me into that).... I'm not really much of a cook and not into old movies. That's actually all I can think of at the moment. Things I especially like though are sports (basketball is the fav), being an artist (design, film, motion graphics, photography, drawing, building) and definitely anything outdoor adventure related (fishing, climbing, kayaking, shooting, exploring).

Well that's all I have for now... NBA All-Star weekend events are on, and I definitely have to go watch those. I probably won't use barely any of this in my aforementioned website 'about me' section, but it was a good time to think. And for all the readers who I don't know but would love to meet, this can serve as some of brief self-portrait or background info.. haha. Maybe even an 'About Me' part II will follow soon.

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