Saturday, February 25, 2012

a wedding of sorts

Actually just a wedding, not of sorts, as the title says... but it's more poetic to add in superfluous phrases like that.

Anyways, I had the incredible pleasure of attending one of my best friend's (and former roommate's) wedding tonight at a cool little spot in Titusville, FL called Birdsong. There's really nothing at all in Titusville except this, and a cool beach, and maybe the best flats fishing spot in America... but other than that, nada... well maybe that's not entirely true... I know a couple awesome people that live in Titusville or are from Titusville, etc...

But all that is not the point. One of my best buds, Sheriffe, got married to his beautiful bride there tonight, and it was just an awesome celebration watching them commit themselves to each other, dedicating their future to Christ, and beginning a new life together as one. It was a time of great friends, sharing great memories, enjoying great conversations... oh, and enjoying great food as well.

Myself and about 10 other guys threw a bachelor party for him the night before, played some indoor laser tag, and had an awesome time afterwards sharing and recalling fun times we've had together late into the night over a few beers at a vacant lakeside park in east Orlando. That was really good experience... getting to hear and share stories of the craziest, most exciting things we've done together to the most serious and heart to heart conversations we've had. This broad spectrum of events and categories defines who we've become as men, and seeing how this one man has had his piece in each of our lives and in different ways was a really cool thing to be apart of. It made me wonder what words would be said in a similar setting on the eve of my future wedding day... oh, there will definitely be a looooong list of stories of adventure, no doubt, but my hope is that I will be most remembered by the lives I've changed, the character I've displayed, and the passion in life with Christ that I've shared.

So we shared, offered up words of encouragement and challenge, and then wrapped it up with a water-side prayer time.... all this in the wake of the festivities to come the day after, today. The wedding was wonderful, and I am so excited to have seen these two friends grow over the past two+ years, and now to see them finally get married in an awesome celebration... that's pretty sweet.

Sheriffe and Kayla, congratulations my friends!

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